59 photos   14448 visits

Im Not a bad person

Ok guys im not a bag person..:DMaybe i am but even if you hate me you're not a true fan!So..leave me alone!or get in you're own life...i repeat GUYS IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN ME SEND A LITTLE MESSAGE ON @DEGET.NET AND Y'LL SEE I'M THE REAL!OMG....MY ACCOUNT IT's APPROVED!
So ..i hope that i was very CLEAR!
IF YOU DON'T STOP WITH THESE THING Y'LL SEE MY REALL PERSONALITY!....X(....Because these things make me very nervouse!x(
Leave me alone if u don\'t believe in me!
Leave me alone if u don\'t believe in me!

Comments • 3

xoxoashley 9 July 2010  
i know...u is a cool girl
dyakisss 3 July 2010  
i know it...u're a best person...u luv uh so much my sweet friend
dyakisss 2 July 2010  
but i blv uh:)
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