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Funny pic _with me

Look at my face and y'll see what it's funny:))GSH....anyway is funny but i love that pic!:)I hope you like it too:):)
Funny pic with me_LOL
Funny pic with me_LOL

Comments • 7

dyakisss 15 July 2010  
avril.....u're face is so cute
xoxoashley 9 July 2010  
noop...is not funny...is pretty
dyakisss 3 July 2010  
in this pic u're very beauriful....why say "funny pic"....i don't understend....
tell me uh why...
xAvrilzzLavigne 10 July 2010  
Thank you...and i said that because...look at my face;]]
dyakisss 2 July 2010  
it's so cool
JustMeAndMyStory 24 June 2010  
LoL :))
LoveJustinDrewBieber 23 June 2010  
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