59 photos   14446 visits

Awwww Thanks Guys

Awwwww(L)Thanks Guys!(K)`cause my account it's approved by @deget.net official member!:)And 4 nothing..i choose that site just for my friend and fans:).....If you don't believe in me send a little message at:
@.deget.net and ask her!:)i really need to believe in me:)And all WAKE UP i don't have ID `cause i from in C.A:))Sorry guys:(i try to make a id but i don't know how....So...leave that:)So i repeat:if you don't believe in me send a message of @deget.net administrator and that girl/boy reply you that i'm the real>:D`cause she said that my account it's APPROVED:)

old pic with me but i like it(L)
old pic with me but i like it(L)

Comments • 2

dyakisss 3 July 2010  
alina00gabi 24 June 2010  
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